Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Trifecta Writing Challenge: The Cruciverbalist

the cruciverbalist
knew it was going to be a bitch, even before starting.  no numbers.  but had to do it, do it every week.  always had numbers.  usual black and white boxes, no numbers in the white ones this time. don’t like new.  these things are hard enough… damn constructors!
I’ve seen the Trifecta Challenge, and always wanted to try it… the first time on THE MUSE UNLEASHED… my pal Carrie Rogozinski’s blog.  She has been on a book reviewing jag lately,  but is a talented writer who has never met a prompt she could pass up… usually incorporating 3 or 4 in the same story.  I’ll stick to one, thank you very much.  Here it is:
The word prompt for this week’s Trifecta Challenge is:BITCH (noun)
1: the female of the dog or some other carnivorous mammals
2 a : a lewd or immoral woman
b : a malicious, spiteful, or overbearing woman —sometimes used as a generalized term of abuse
3: something that is extremely difficult, objectionable, or unpleasant
If you want to enter the Trifecta Challenge… please remember:
  • Your response must be between 33 and 333 words.
  • You must use the 3rd definition of the given word in your post.
  • The word itself needs to be included in your response.
  • You may not use a variation of the word; it needs to be exactly as stated above.
  • Only one entry per writer.
  • Trifecta is open to everyone.  Please join.

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