THE TRESSPASSERS… A Drabble for FriFic
“This place looks creepy, do you think it’s safe?”
“Of course, no one’s here but us. I think there’s an opening around the side somewhere.”
“Perry, it’s dark in here.”
“Don’t be such a baby, Rene, you still want to do it don’t you?”
“Yeah, I guess, but it’s gross in here.”
“Look there’s a mattress!”
“Yeah, that’s real romantic, along with the needles and used rubbers.”
“It’s not so bad. Wait! Did you hear that?”
“It snarled, like a dog. I’m scared!”
“No, more like a wolf. It’s getting close!”
Now, you are probably wondering about the ending of that story. It is a followup to the story I wrote last week… INVITATION TO A RIDE… after I had received this in the mail…
I promised a full report… I boarded the MV Chelan as requested shortly before 8 a.m.
I settled into a booth and my daughters showed up with a delicious breakfast of quiche and fresh fruit… after arriving on the mainland we readied to depart the ferry…
After a stop at the first of many Starbuck’s we had an exciting car wash…
and upon reaching Seattle, my Birthday got off to an exciting start in the make-up department at Nordstrom…
somehow this was a familiar theme throughout the day. We stopped to admire the Christmas windows at Tiffany’s (designed by my friend Christopher Young in NYC)…
After a delicious lunch at PF Chang’s, we boarded the famous Monorail…
and headed for the Seattle Repertory Theater to see a matinée performance of…
It was an excellent production and lots of fun…
Checked out the Space Needle on the way back to the Monorail…
We went back to the Mayflower Hotel…
in the heart of downtown Seattle and got ready to go out to dinner at one my favorite Tom Douglas restaurants …
A fabulous meal of Pork Chop and Garlic Sausage followed with a nice birthday dessert…
A restful sleep at The Mayflower and a day of shopping finished off the Birthday Bash.
This week’s Friday Fictioneer’s photo prompt is courtesy of Randy Mazie. Rochelle-Wisoff Fields chose it to be this week’s inspiration for some 100 Word Flash Fiction.
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